
Headshot of Lucy Patterson
I’m Lucy Patterson, an independent copyeditor and proofreader.
  I work with individuals and organisations to ensure that their publications are clearly written, professional and polished. 

How I can help you

As well as checking for errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar, I can edit your documents so that they are:

  • easy to understand, with no ambiguous phrasing
  • written in a suitable tone of voice for their target audience
  • styled in line with your preferred style guide
  • correctly formatted, including elements such as references, figures and tables
  • ready for the next stage in the publication process

Who I work with

This list is not exhaustive, but past and present clients include:

  • publishers of journals and textbooks
  • university presses
  • learned societies
  • individual researchers
  • UN agencies and related organisations
  • government departments
  • think tanks
  • professional associations
My specialisms
I specialise in scientific, technical and other non-fiction content, such as:
  • journal manuscripts
  • working papers
  • monographs 
  • evaluations
  • textbooks
  • approach papers
  • safety reports
  • learning materials 
I have a great deal of experience of editing papers on physics. Other topics I frequently work on include international development, sustainability, finance, education, medical research and energy.

About me

I have been editing for more than two decades and am a Professional Member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP). Before going freelance, I worked in house at a large scientific publisher for several years. I am based in the UK and work with clients from all around the world.

Get in touch

If you would like more information or a personalised quote, please feel free to get in touch via email using my contact form.

Language is only the instrument of science, and words are but the signs of ideas.  

Samuel Johnson, "Preface to a Dictionary of the English Language", 1755