Who I work with

I work exclusively on non-fiction content. Many of my clients write and publish papers and reports for a high-level international audience on specialised topics such as international investment, nuclear safety or the latest developments in physics research. Some examples of past and present clients are listed at the bottom of this page.

My clients are often experts in their fields who face the challenge of writing in English as a second language. ESL authors can particularly benefit from careful editing to improve word choice and eliminate awkward phrasing, ensuring that their intended meaning is clearly communicated to the reader.

I accept clients from all around the world and can edit according to either UK or US English spelling and grammar conventions (but never a mixture of the two!). 

I work primarily on the following kinds of documents for my clients:

  • journal papers
  • research reviews
  • approach papers
  • technical reports
  • educational materials
  • monographs
  • edited volumes
  • evaluation reports.

Current and previous clients

Bourchier, Cambridge University Press, European Respiratory Society, European Universities Association, Geological Society of London, Independent Evaluation Group (World Bank Group), Institute of Physics, Integra, International Atomic Energy Agency, IOP Publishing, National Geographic, Palgrave Macmillan, Routledge, Standards and Testing Agency (UK Department for Education), Sunrise Setting, University of Plymouth Press

Proper words in proper places make the true definition of a style. 

Jonathan Swift, “Letter to a Young Gentleman lately enter’d into Holy Orders”, 1720